Hayward & Green renew Rovers sponsorship
The Rovers are delighted to announce that local company Hayward & Green have renewed their sponsorship. The generous deal which will initially run for three seasons is thanks to the Green siblings: CEO and Rover Jeremy, MD and OL Simon, and their sister Tanya, also an OL, the Communications Director. Hayward & Green specialise in supporting airlines, helicoptor and defence operators worldwide - please click here to find out more.
We are very much looking forward to working with Jeremy, Simon and Tanya and hope we can put on some exciting cricket for them to entertain their customers and help introduce their services to a wider audience.
Cricketer Cup Draw for 2025
The Rovers have been drawn away to the Charterhouse Friars in the 1st Round of this season's Cricketer Cup. Another tough opening fixture on the road, if we can navgate our way through this one we will find ourselves playing away at either Stoew Templars, Old Wellingtonians or Harrow Wanderers. The 1st Round is on June 8th with the 2nd three weeks later #UTR